How will a video sell my product or service?
You have either been through all of the inefficient marketing strategies available or you are new to marketing and you are seeking effective marketing strategies.
Your marketing strategy can have unlimited variations. When using video content you are expecting the audience watching the video to click through to your product or services on your website. This is measured as a click-through rate.
Created a Video, Now What?
Creating a video is just the beginning. There is a huge focus on directing and producing even a simple promo video. But now that you have digital content to show your potential customers you can evangelize your product or service through several social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or Vimeo.
The most important thing is your presentation. The second is how you convert. While your amazing video is available its how you market it that counts.
Presentation vs Conversion
Your presentation is about how you present your product or service. So I can be specific as technology is advancing rapidly. Unless you are rocking a newer cell phone that cost a lot more than it should. You should steer away from cell phone video. You are better with a camera of sorts.
The reason it is good for you to know this is because, your producer will love you for great content and your project should be significantly cheaper. Besides who knows your product or service better than you? Always remember to let the producer produce that's why you hired him.
Your conversion will be based more on how well you communicate with the audience within
your video. If you don't ask me as a potential customer to engage I probably won't. Your product videos should end with a call to action.
The same can be said for demo videos, sales videos, and explainer videos. Now that your potential customer is engaged what next? This is where it is important to consider your landing pages and their relevance to your ad or video. If I am searching for facial razors for men and you send my click to kid wear, chances are I'm going elsewhere. Don't assume small mistakes will go unseen. Sometimes the small things can deter your customer from purchasing.
Partners for Better Video Marketing
When you are operating a business and want to increase sales but know that hiring a full-time employee is risky. Eliminate the risk and find out how M28 can assist you. We can work with projects locally or we can work with projects digitally and offsite.
Adding video and using video marketing will help you increase sales if done correctly. Also utilizing marketing tools for SEO when adding videos on your website will help you rank higher and get you better more targeted traffic.