Evolution of Social Media in Ecommerce
As social media and e-commerce business become increasingly enmeshed in our lives, the opportunities for them to interact with and advance each other are innumerable, considering that the average person spends around an hour and 40 minutes browsing social media every day, and electronic commerce the number of internet shoppers in the US will reach well over 225 million this year.
Social Media Marketing for Businesses changes the way business interact with potential clients. B2B and B2C. Back in the old days, a business’s presence would be signified by advertisements in the paper and a physical storefront. Now, in the digital age, business reputations live and die by their social media standing. Right now, social media is used by brands as a way to advertise, increase their online presence, and deliver high-quality customer service. We can expect those trends to continue through 2021 as new ones emerge. E-Commerce business in manufacturing is on the grow as well as other types of commerce. Let’s take a look at the growing role of online shoppers.
This timeline shows the number of online shoppers in the United States since 2016. In 2016, 209.6 million U.S. people were online shoppers and had browsed products, compared prices or bought merchandise online at least once. These figures are projected to reach 230.5 million in 2021, positioning the United States as of one the leading e-commerce business markets based on online shopper penetration.
6 Ways to expand your social media marketing for your online store
1. Dedicate time to learn how social media marketing works.
There are a lot of social media marketing tips available online, from free content on websites like this one to paid courses you can complete at your convenience. Your e-commerce business relies on your drive to evangelize your brand. Your social media site can be used to connect to online retailers and online shopping. It’s not very complicated if you take the time to educate yourself on Social Media Marketing. Utilizing creative content and highlighting your products for buying and selling will grow your brand. Understanding the difference between social media platforms and their influences along with your e-commerce platform will help distinguish your audience whether business to business B2B or business to consumer B2C, your success in the market strategy will rely on how well you have done your market research..
2. Listen to your customers.
“The only way you are going to know what your customers want out of your online store is by listening to what they have to say. Like a traditional brick and mortar store your customers still have questions and still need the same support on your product or service as before but now with the convenience of technology and an e-commerce website. It’s important that you use your social media platforms as an extension of your customer service. More customers are going to voice their opinion on social media than via email or over the phone,”
3. Use automation for consistency.
There is smart automation and then there is spammy, ineffective automation when it comes to social media marketing. Take a look at How Social Media and Influencers Are Changing E-commerce. You don’t want to blast out promotional offers all day long -- that’s a quick way to lose all of your followers. Use social media as a way to communicate with your audience and provide them valuable information. When you do that, you create happy brand supporters you can eventually convert into sales. Most of your audience will initially find you on a mobile device, and b2b e-commerce will move to a desktop. Be sure your online store is fully accessible on both.
4. Engage with and delight your audience.
“It’s one thing to fill up your social media feed with posts, but it’s another thing to actively engage with your audience and turn them into satisfied customers. I see a lot of small business owners posting a couple of times a day, thinking that they are doing the right thing when it comes to social media marketing. You can’t just post your ads and walk away from your social media. If you do that, you are missing prime opportunities to engage with your audience and convert them,” With a Social Media Marketing Plan in play your customers are engaged as your promotions turn into clicks to your ecommerce store.
5. Don’t spread yourself too thin.
It’s nearly impossible -- and almost always ineffective -- to be active on every single social media platform. I always suggest new brands should start with two or three social media platforms they are certain their target audience is active on. Master those, and then expand your social reach as the business grows and more effort can be allocated to additional social platforms. Fid what social audience is best for your business model and going to attract other online business to you.
6. Track and measure everything.
“You will never run a successful social media marketing campaign if you don’t measure your results. You are selling the best product in the world, It’s important that you lay out clear goals with benchmarks that allow you to determine whether or not your social effort is paying off. Are you converting any of the visitors to your site? What is your retention times and or bounce rate? The data you collect and analyze can then be used to make changes to your campaign. You must be willing to constantly optimize and test your efforts if you want to develop a truly successful campaign,”
Whether you are an Industrial part manufacturer or an Apparel Company, Social media is a must. You can only have so many people come to your site and or ever search topics to get close. But through Social Media Marketing, you can share with friends and colleagues as well as clients. This will Network your brand to an exponential height! What are you posting? How are you Marketing your products online? Are you taking advantage of all of your outlets?
We would love the opportunity to discuss going into e-commerce business with your company and what you might need to expect.