Your marketing strategies should count for something. Manufacturing is one of the largest
industries in the world and is growing at an exponential rate. Online stores and opportunities to order from your brick and mortar stores are ever-growing.
You have probably been in a marketing plan before or you may be looking for honest and efficient ways to grow your business. Your marketing efforts may be all digital or you may share your products at Trade Shows. This is a great place to show off your products to a target audience in your b2b market.
What Do I Need in a Manufacturing Marketing Strategy?
When starting out with marketing your company and products there is a lot of branding that has to be done. Some people will see your logo or ad several times before engaging. It's the same reason we buy local name-brand cars and not foreign ones, its what we know and have available.
We as buyers want to feel like we are choosing the best products and want to know the
manufacturer is tried and true. When developing your marketing strategy develop a branding campaign that puts you out there as the amazing company you are and tell them how you create the most amazing products for a said application.
Manufacturing companies may deal with distribution only and this is understood as it is a third party market to sell your products. But with a few alterations to your current marketing plan, you could become an e-commerce success.
Options for Marketing your Products
Some of the ways you can start sharing your products with your audiences are:
Email Marketing - Email marketing would send out several targeted emails helping to encourage the buyer or subscriber to visit your site or potentially purchase your products.
Trade Show Marketing - Creating marketing content, for you to distribute at your trade shows as well as show off your products and their features with media.
Social Media Marketing - Social Media Marketing will, of course, reach out to your social media followers and share information about your products.
SEO Marketing - SEO Marketing is written text about your products and the fields or applications represented.
Video Marketing - Video Marketing in Industry adds depth and a new dimension of storytelling, this can be used in many ways and with various forms to provide information to your client or lead them to your product.
All of the above methods require content. Content creation is the starting factor for Marketing. Without content, you have nothing to share with your audience. Just like every business decision the pain point is whether your content is good enough to get the audience to click and retain that audience.
Search Engines and Manufacturing Marketing
Your target market relies on your products and services.
Your growth relies on sales and marketing.
Sales Cycles are not all that different you need to walk you potential client through a process to purchase your products or services. That process has to start with a lead that was generated. Without lead generation you would have a lower result of leads and thus less sales.
Using SEO and Content writing to help carry the message of your business to the world you should start to see that when you search for your what your business provides you will start showing up in the search results. Find out more about SEO and your business here "How does SEO Help my Business?"
Finding Someone to Help With Manufacturing Marketing
When searching for a marketing team find someone who will shoot straight and provide the details upfront, marketing doesn't happen fast anyone suggesting overnight success you should be wary of. But be sure to maintain ownership of all of your site and its belongings as well or you can lose everything you paid to have created.
M28 provides all of the services associated with marketing, design, and SEO. We have
worked with industrious companies to provide e-commerce and SEO solutions and see great success. Reach out and discuss your projects with someone today. Creating content will help your buyer personas interact with your audience.
If you try some of the strategies suggested remember that inbound marketing is just as important. If you are getting people to come to your site and not getting them to subscribe to a newsletter or attach to your social media, you may be losing potential customers.